Total Frat Move

Maybe A Prank Involving A Fake Kidnapping Isn’t The Best Idea

 A College Station man has been charged after officers spent hours searching for him after he claimed to have been kidnapped. Vincent Oggero, 19, of College Station, is charged with making a false police report. He allegedly told police it was all just a prank that he did with his friends. It happened on February 11. Officers were called to a restaurant in the Northgate District after the staff found a receipt with the phrase “I NEED HELP I Got Kidnapped” and a phone number. Police officers checked the name on the credit card receipt, as well as the other names on the receipts of those at the same table. Police said staff told them the table had left about 10 minutes earlier.


This is an Eric Andre stunt gone wrong. Everybody sees Instagram pranks and thinks they’ll be rich and famous from being an asshole. Well, that’s not the case; instead, you’ll end up arrested. What makes a great stunt isn’t being a dick to other people. Instead, it’s bringing pain and shame to yourself and catching people’s responses. That’s what makes Eric Andre and Jackass so good.

According to investigators, Oggero apologized for what he wrote on the receipt. He allegedly told them he had done it on his friend’s receipt just to “prank” him and police say he indicated he knew officers would respond.


What happened to a good ole kick in the nuts as a prank to your friend? This is a bunch of dumb Aggies who had a prank go too far. If there’s a chance that the police could be involved, think twice about the prank. That’s the piece of advice that I can give you.

The worst prank that was ever performed on me was one night after basketball practice in high school. I came out to see my windshield covered in something. I found out that somebody on the girl’s volleyball team had poured a milkshake all over my windshield. Now, if I would’ve had windshield washer fluid, it would’ve been fine, but my broke ass had none. My friend and I had to carry a water bottle back and forth from the gym to clean off my windshield. To say it sucked was an understatement; of course, I thought that it was a sign that some girl liked me and wanted the D; I was sadly disappointed.