Total Frat Move

Mexican Cartel Loses Its Most Beloved Member

A Mexican cartel shootout has sadly left twelve dead, including one pet monkey who has since gone viral after his passing. Just outside of Mexico City, a fiery exchange between the La Familia Michoacana drug cartel and the National Guard occurred, fatally killing several members of the cartel. 

As officers arrived at the scene of the shootout, a dead monkey was found wearing a bulletproof jacket, a camouflage hoodie, and khakis. 

It was originally unclear if the monkey in question was even real due to his obscure outfit but after a bizarre tribute post from the gang it has been confirmed the chimp’s name was El Changuito. The one-year old spidermonkey was a pet to one of the gang members who was also killed in the crossfires. To make matters even sadder, El Changuito was found with his arms extended up as if he were clinging to his owner’s back.

The emotional tribute posted on Twitter has since blown up due to the monkey’s interesting outfit and wild story. It seems odd for a cartel gang which focuses on drugs and murder to post a remembrance post, but it’s also odd to bring a monkey to a gunfight. 

R.I.P to a legend El Changuito.