Back-to-Back 15 Second Un-skippable Ads
Last night while forcing myself to fall asleep at a reasonable hour, I was sent into a fit of borderline rage when I had to sit through thirty seconds of ads before watching my WatchMojo video about the top twenty dead people rumored to still be alive. It’s annoying enough if you get two ads before a video, even more annoying when you get one of them that is fifteen seconds, but when you get two fifteen second ads back-to-back, it feels like YouTube just crept into your room with the sole desire to fuck you in the ass.
The Never-Ending Wipe
These poops always come at the worst times. You’ve got five minutes before you have to leave for class, which should be enough time to drop a quick stinker before heading out. Except for when you have to spend seven minutes and half a roll of toilet paper wiping. Andy Dwyer understands:
Two-Factor Authentication
Every time I want to sign into my school email, Canvas, or anything related to my college classes, I have to put in my email and password. They make me change that password every six months. I genuinely do not care if someone goes into my Portuguese class page and submits an assignment for me, so why in the FUCK do I have to answer a phone call and hit the “one” every god damn time I want to send an email? I genuinely could not care less about being hacked at this point, just let me sign in easier.
Loud Eaters
If I can hear you chewing, go fuck yourself. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for some people to just not make a shit ton of noise when they’re eating, but dear Jesus it’s the worst thing ever.