Total Frat Move

Movie Mondays: Week 6

Week 6 Selection: This is 40 (2012) directed by Judd Apatow

Well, I’m hungover and tired and I have to go sell medical marijuana soon, but right now all I really want to do is watch this movie and take a nap. If you have the ability to do that, please do it in my honor. 

This is 40 is one of those movies that just flies under the radar for no reason at all from the time it comes out in theaters. Judd Apatow directs (also did The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up) and Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann star in this one. Jason Segal and Megan Fox are two great additions for the supporting cast, and there are some other pretty familiar faces throughout the movie.

The plot is pretty simple: a married couple, Pete (Paul Rudd) and Debbie (Leslie Mann) are both turning forty. They’ve got kids, jobs, bills – pretty much everything that comes with being a grown-up, and they’re struggling to keep both their comfortable lifestyle and their romance going. Like I said, pretty simple premise, but Paul Rudd as the lead role in any movie means it’s guaranteed to be funny, and Leslie Mann is no slouch either. The writing is phenomenal, and the movie has never failed to give me a few good laugh out loud moments. On top of that, the soundtrack is absolutely awesome. John Lennon, Norah Jones, Paul Simon, Paul McCartney, Wilco, and The Avett Brothers all have songs in there that fit the feel of the movie absolutely perfectly. 

I don’t really have much else to say about the movie. You should watch it. It makes many silly jokes and you get the added bonus of seeing Leslie Mann’s boobs, which, sure, you could find online, but to really get the full experience you gotta watch the whole thing.