Baseball teams around the league have recently gotten into a trend of selling absurd concession items as a way to draw attention and fans into the stadium. We’ve seen things like Reese’s peanut butter pulled pork, burgers with pizza as the bun, and even hot dogs with gummy bears on it. Now, for one day only, Pepsi is getting their hat in the bizarre MLB eats ring.
Pepsi has announced that they are partnering with four baseball stadiums across the country to sell their very own hot dog condiment called Pepsi Colachup. Sold only on July 4th, the condiment will be available at sample stations as well as actually on hot dogs (for the brave).
The condiment is a Pepsi-infused ketchup, and while it may sound grotesque it actually comes from the minds of some of America’s best chefs. With the help of the Culinary Institute of America, Pepsi sought out to “craft a revolutionary new type of condiment enhanced with the rich caramel notes and citrusy pop of Pepsi-Cola,” said a Pepsi senior director.
If you are anything like me, those words mean absolutely nothing and are just a fancy way of saying “it’s not just ketchup and Pepsi mixed together.” Okay, so what’s actually in it?
Well, according to CNN who talked to senior director Jenny Danzi at Pepsi, the sauce begins with a Pepsi base and then combines smoked tomatoes and a spice mix, before finally adding in some ketchup and onions.

Pepsi Colachup will be available on the Fourth of July only and can be found at these four ballparks: Yankee Stadium, Minnesota Twins’ Target Field, Detroit Tigers’ Comerica Park, and Arizona Diamondbacks’ Chase Field.
I don’t know how I feel about this idea. My first thought is obviously “who would want their hot dog to taste like Pepsi?” However, being the tubster I am, I’m extremely intrigued and really want to try it. That said, I don’t really understand the one day promotion aspect.
I know making it limited time helps with sales as customers are more likely to rush to try the product while they can, but this isn’t something you just pick up from a store. In order to get a taste of the Pepsi Colachup for yourself, you either need to already have tickets to one of these four baseball games or be a pretty disgusting human that is willing to pay over $50 just to get into the place that sells the sauce. I just don’t see anyone going to the game just for this condiment alone. That would be like going to a strip club for the breakfast buffet.
Regardless, if you like baseball, hot dogs, and are looking for a way to celebrate July 4th I truly don’t think there is a more American way to celebrate.