Total Frat Move

Rocky 4, True Story?

Who knew that America’s favorite story of triumph over the nation of Russia is based on a true story… almost. This development comes after Dolph Ludgren, the actor famous for playing Ivan Drago in the fourth and best Rocky movie, told a story about nearly fist fighting Sylvester Stallone on the set of The Expendables. 

The Expendables is not a very good movie. It’s kind of fun to watch all of the stars of the 80’s act like they’re still in good enough shape to be action heroes. But the biggest issue with this film is the fact that fans everywhere were deprived from a moment that would’ve been as classic as the Will Smith Oscar’s slap. The idea of Sylvester Stallone and Dolph Lundgren fighting in real life gives me enough adrenaline to extract from my body and start selling it at the local LA Fitness.

The story here is that Stallone was berating Lundgren on set one day in front of the entire crew and press. Apparently, Stallone was following Lundgren around saying insults such as, “My grandmother could do better than that.” This got Lundgren so mad, that he was reduced to tears and became physically enraged to the point where his wife had to talk him out of getting physical and quitting the movie. In my book, that makes his wife the biggest joy kill since the person in charge of moving the age to buy nicotine in Pennsylvania from eighteen to twenty-one in my senior year of high school. As soon as news of this beef started moving around the set, all cameras should’ve been on these two. The director should’ve been approaching Lundgren to say things like, “Hey why is Sylvester calling you a bitch? Are you two good?” 

If you thought Rocky 4 was awesome (first of all, you’re right), imagine how good the movie would’ve been if they were actually hitting each other. Sure, Rocky would’ve gotten his ass kicked, and America would’ve been thoroughly embarrassed. But the footage of this fight would at least break the fight, and probably make one of the best action sequences of all time. If Jake Paul can get millions of views on a micky mouse boxing match, there’s no reason two icons of Hollywood can’t do the same.