Total Frat Move

WATCH: Senator Mitch McConnell Heckled to “Retire” During Speech

After completely freezing up mid-speech last week, Mitch McConnell’s qualification as a US Senator has been under serious question. If I had to guess, I would say that the people of Kentucky would prefer to see McConnell retire, but I could be wrong. I’m amazed that McConnell just kept going with his speech in spite of being brutally heckled by an angry mob. I was waiting for him to shut down once again, but the old man held it together somehow. 

I’m not super big into politics (unless Trump is in office), but it seems to me like Senator Mitch is on his way out. I mean, I hope to still be alive at 81 and this guy is still holding a government position. Why did we let this happen in the first place? McConnell is probably a year away from not being able to wipe himself – I’m not so sure that we should be trusting this guy with important decisions. However, if he keeps producing gems like his freeze-up video, we might need to give him a pass.

This has got to be one of my favorite videos of all time. Now that we know McConnell didn’t have a massive stroke or something, no one can deny that this clip is absolutely hilarious. It’s quite literally the real-life equivalent of when your controller disconnects from the PlayStation. While I obviously hope that McConnell is in good health, I wouldn’t mind another one of these “Vietnam flashback” incidents. I think the rest of the internet would appreciate it as well.