Total Frat Move

“The Bender”: A Poem that Actually Doesn’t Suck

So normally on Monday, I do a Dear Women post. To be honest, I just don’t have the time or energy to come up with anything today because I have an essay to write by midnight, I haven’t eaten yet today, and I still have a two and a half our class left to go to tonight as well as a practice from 10-11. Gotta love college. Instead, I’ll be blessing you with a poem I submitted for a grade in my creative writing class. Poetry kind of blows, but this one is quite good.

“The Bender”

The bender began on a Saturday night

Two of us on Meyran, it didn’t feel right

Soon after that, we added four more

The bender continued, some slept on the floor

We drank, we drank, we drank for fun

We drank, we drank, everyone

Out on our deck, we threw many a party

People came and left, some stayed quite tardy

But it didn’t matter to us, they all were our friends

We all started to wonder: when do benders end?

We drank, we drank, we drank together

We drank, we drank, we drank for forever

After a week, we had friends come to visit

Fifteen people in one house, a shock, is it?

Trash began to build, dirt covered the ground

The bender kept us all spinning, around and around

We drank, we drank, we drank one and all

We drank, we drank, we drank until fall

Our friends soon departed, and we sighed with relief

We were all getting tired. Drink more? Good grief!

But we had a mission, a grand task to complete

We mustn’t stop this bender, never admit defeat!

We drank, we drank, we drank through our pain

We drank, we drank, we drank ourselves insane!

For seventeen days, we continued on this trend

After fifteen, all I wanted was to reach the end!

But I got through them all, all seventeen days

Some may not believe me because this feat does amaze

We drank, we drank, we drank in celebration

We drank, we drank, we drank for the intoxication nation!