Total Frat Move

The Evolution of Drinking in College

Freshman Year:

Freshman year begins tough. You might get there without a fake, without someone to buy you alcohol, or without much experience drinking. That’s all okay. Throughout freshman year, you’ll learn the intricacies of drinking in college. For the most part, you’ll begin with one good night of drinking a week because you’ll only be able to get your hands on that much booze. It’s a tough start, but as you make connections through older friends, fraternity brothers, cousins, whatever, it will get a lot easier and by the end of freshman year you’ll be hitting consistent drinking on Friday and Saturday nights.

Sophomore Year:

You spent all of freshman year building your contacts and ways to procure alcohol, so when sophomore year starts, you’re already prepped and ready to go. This is usually when people start to experiment with “Thirsty Thursday” and dartying. Whether it’s going to a bar on a Thursday night with an ID that puts you at risk of arrest every time you take it out or spending several hours in a parking lot waiting for your team to take the field for a game you won’t remember, your drinking will mature sophomore year to the point that you’re no longer considered incredibly annoying to the people that have already mastered college drinking.

Junior Year:

The whole time is spent waiting to turn twenty-one. You’re consistently going Thursday-Saturday with a few Wednesdays mixed in here and there, but you rapidly grow tired of having to hit the same bars that will let you in with a fraudulent form of identification. That’s why your entire junior year is essentially just getting by until you finally reach the day that the government says that you’re allowed to go buy a beer legally. The closer you get, the harder it becomes to wait.

Senior Year:

I haven’t reached this point yet, so I can only speak from observation and imagination, but the fact that you’re twenty-one has undoubtedly opened up a whole new world at this point. You don’t care much for sweaty basements and bars where you might end up catching a case if you’re not careful. You’ve moved on to the places that are of high class and good vibes. Congrats on making it that far.