Total Frat Move

The Worst Sports Fans Part 2

I love writing these blogs because honestly, there are so many of you assholes out there that I don’t think I can ever run out of annoying types of people you might run into at a game. That said, here are four more fans you will want to avoid.

1. The Snobby European

This person sees you watching some good ol’ football on Sunday and the first thing out of his mouth is, “this isn’t REAL football”. He only watches soccer and Formula 1 and is probably very French. Somehow, baseball is too boring but nine-hour-long cricket matches or watching cars go around a track for two hours is peak entertainment. (this is not a dig at cricket I just don’t understand the rules of the sport).

2. The Pessimist

This guy is the one who tries to turn the TV off after his team loses the tip-off. He refuses to ever say anything nice about the teams he cheers for, probably because when he does they proceed to blow whatever lead they have. It’s okay to have a little optimism sometimes. The negativity can get annoying, but it can be pretty hilarious to watch.

3. The Optimist

The foil of the pessimist, this guy refuses to give up. His team could be down by 3 touchdowns at the two-minute warning, and he’s holding out hope they can cover -3. While it’s nice to have a little hope, this guy is supremely confident his Kings are only a few seasons away from an NBA Championship. The positivity just makes the disappointment that much worse.

4. The Question Asker

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being a little confused about what’s going on and asking your buddy to clarify a rule, but being on your phone for the entire game then proceeding to ask for a summary of every important moment up until that point is a different story. It’s okay to have a couple of questions or start a debate during a game, but if you really have no idea what’s going on, either you’re not paying attention, or you might have to focus up a little more and try to answer some questions for yourself.