Total Frat Move

The Yankees are Cheaters

I was scrolling through Twitter and this tweet came up in my “For You” section. I want to get ahead of this and call Aaron Judge a cheater and I am not letting any of the facts come out about it. At least baseball is the news…

As someone who writes blogs for a living, I live by the saying “I would rather be first than be right”. This completely opposite of what any other real journalist would do. That is also why I am a business major, not a journalism major.

I am not going to fully accuse Aaron Judge and the Yankees of cheating, but this is not a good look. He is clearly looking at something, probably the dugout. Is he getting the pitches before they’re thrown? Probably, but I can’t confirm from one video. If you’re gonna cheat, you can’t get caught by the two old dudes announcing. You have to be better than that. The Astro’s got away with it for a long time because they were good at cheating.

I’m also going to take this 1 step further and say this is just a terrible look on baseball as a whole if this comes out as true. No other sport has cheating scandals quite like the MLB. NBA has dudes flashing guns, NFL has players with parlay addictions, but the MLB has straight-up cheaters. One thing in common with all of them? They all have domestic abusers.

I am also still mad about Aaron Judge not signing with the Giants.