Total Frat Move

Troy Aikman Makes A Beer For True Americans

Troy Aikman is a man of the people. He just gets it. We already knew he was a champion on the field and in the press box, but now he is about to take over concessions with his perfectly marketed beer EIGHT.

The three-time super bowl champ posted a video on Twitter yesterday showing off his own beer company EIGHT, and boy does he know what Americans want.

“No agenda, no distractions, just great f***ing beer.” Now if that isn’t a statement we can all get behind, I don’t know what is. Aikman clearly alludes to the awful marketing jobs other beer companies have attempted in recent months, most notably Bud Light whose sales have dropped 25% after making transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney the face of their brand, as well as Miller Lite who received backlash for releasing a commercial dedicated to burning old beer advertisements with any scantily dressed women on them. BOOOO! We love scantily dressed women.

Whether you agree or disagree with the agendas Bud Light and Miller Lite are trying to push onto the public isn’t the point. Aikman makes it abundantly clear in such a short message that beer drinkers don’t give a shit about politics when it comes to getting drunk. Just give me something that tastes good and makes me forget about my problems, that’s all I want. And for what seems to be the first time ever, a company finally gets it. EIGHT gets it.

While EIGHT has now been around for over a year, this is the first time they are making a splash in the beer community, or at least it’s the first I’m hearing about them. That is mainly due to the fact that they are only sold in the state of Texas as of now, but also because they are an independent brewer unaffiliated with any of the big beer powerhouses. That said, they seem to be making a quality product as they were the #1 best selling independent beer in 2022 — and that’s with only selling one state!

EIGHT calls themselves an “elite light lager” that focuses on low calories and low carbs without sacrificing any taste. Sitting at 90 calories and 2.6 carbs per can, EIGHT less caloric than Michelob Ultra and has the same exact macros as a bottle of Corona Premier. That’s pretty good company to be compared to.

Health stuff aside, what is really going to sell EIGHT is Aikman. This video is probably the best piece of advertising I’ve seen since GoDaddy had that commercial of a fat nerd aggressively making out with a supermodel. In less than 15 seconds, Aikman lays it all out for a target audience that obviously doesn’t like to do too much thinking. He tells me exactly what I want to know and nothing more: it’s great beer and they somehow care less about politics than I do. Perfect.

I really hope big market advertisers see this and try to follow suit. All commercials should follow a strict layout of “this is what I sell, buy it.” It feels like the only ones who get straight to the point nowadays are Flex Seal and EIGHT, everyone else wants to show you who they’re helping and what cause they care about. Sorry, but I don’t care about any causes other than getting myself cool stuff and I appreciate Troy for understanding that.

Hopefully EIGHT tries to expand beyond Texas because without even taking a sip I’m already a huge fan — no matter how much I despise the Cowboys.