Total Frat Move

Wendy’s Throws Vanilla To The Curb, Brings In Strawberry Replacement

Summer is officially here… according to Wendy’s.

The popular square-shaped burger chain has just announced that for the new season they will bring back the “once-popular” Strawberry Frosty. As someone who follows fast food culture more than the average person, I can confidently say that no one remembers there ever being a strawberry flavored Frosty. This doesn’t feel so much as a comeback as it does an introduction, but regardless I’m pretty stoked.

If you’re a fan of Frosty’s (who isn’t) this is big news, even if you don’t enjoy strawberries. See, in classic fast food budget cut fashion, the implementation of the Strawberry Frosty means the vanilla flavor will no longer be available. Does this make sense? Absolutely not. The Strawberry Frosty is made by adding strawberry syrup to a Vanilla Frosty. Yet, when I called and asked if I could get a Vanilla Frosty, I was immediately shut down. At first I figured that was due to pure employee laziness or the fact that fast food workers love to tell customers “no,” but it turns out Wendy’s corporate isn’t allowing the sale of Vanilla Frosty’s in order to more strongly promote the strawberry version.

In terms of marketing strategy, this feels like an odd choice. I get that by removing vanilla temporarily they force people to try the strawberry, but what about people who only want vanilla? They are now alienated entirely. And even if someone does switch over to strawberry, they are just gonna be disappointed in three months when they are forced back to vanilla. Whatever Wendy’s, your loss.

Despite my grievance with the removal of vanilla, I am excited for the Strawberry Frosty. I don’t think it will be anything spectacular and blow your balls off, but it’s a nice little change of pace for the summertime.

There is no official end time for the Strawberry Frosty, but instead it is merely “here for the summer.” Hopefully summer lasts a while.

I have not yet tried the Strawberry Frosty, but that shall change soon. I will update you all once I have a review. Sit tight, I know you are all anxiously waiting for my thoughts.