Total Frat Move

What Your SEC School Says About You


You pay out of state tuition and frat dues just so you can win a national championship and be an accountant.


Your mom, sister, and cousin also went to Auburn. That’s all the same person.


You think you’re above the rest of Floridians just because you don’t have a flakka addiction or pet snake.


You are exactly what someone thinks of when they think of the south minus the class and charm.


Whether you are from in state, Chicago, or Texas you will soon be working at a local FOX news station.

Ole Miss

You find the Confederate flag to be a bit more traditional.


Your mee-maw is all about southern hospitality, but you’ll throw drunken haymakers in a Waffle House if anyone talks shit about the Dawgs.


You’ve been to more crawfish boil tailgates than classes.

South Carolina

You wish you went to Clemson so you could finally win a division football game and not be called a cock.


The only time there is diversity on campus is when people need to choose which horse they think will win the derby.


Whether you’re a hot girl with a “daddy’s money” mentality or a dude who was nerdy throughout high school, you now incorporate the word “honkey” in everyday life.


Apparently Texas wasn’t hickish enough for you so you came to Arkansas to learn how to hunt deer and make duck calls.

Texas A&M

You love Jesus and hate foreigners. 

Mississippi St

There’s about a 50% chance you dropout, but not before stealing a shovel and getting discounted football tickets.