Total Frat Move

Where Did The Original “Jake From State Farm” Go?

Just the other day, I sat down to watch some First Take on ESPN (which by the way has gone to pot since Stephen A. Smith has been gone) when I had an epiphany. During the twenty-third commercial break since I turned on the show fifteen minutes prior, one of the “Jake from State Farm” commercials was played. Usually, I’m so numb to these commercials because they are extremely overplayed, but this one started to bother me for some reason. These recent State Farm insurance advertisements are in the same league as the Gecko from Geico and Flo from Progressive, but something about this one just didn’t sit right. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but finally, it hit me. What ever happened to the original Jake from State Farm guy? 

So, I got to researching, and at first all I could find was that the original actor Jake Stone, an actual insurance agent for State Farm, had died. I couldn’t believe it. I was so distraught that I hadn’t heard this news earlier and was just about to write a tribute for the legend in khakis, until finally I found a credible source stating he was still alive. Apparently, because he was a legitimate insurance agent and had just stumbled upon the “Jake from State Farm” role after responding to a casting call, State Farm decided to cast an actual actor in order to capitalize off of the commercial’s popularity. Don’t get me wrong, I love the new Jake, and his commercials with Patrick Mahomes and Drake are great, but the original Jake just has a special something about him. Sure, he might say a total of one-and-a-half words during the entire commercial, but his delivery is flawless. 

During the 2020 Super Bowl, State Farm did pay homage to the O.G. Jake by including him in a commercial alongside the new Jake, Kevin Miles. However, this recognition was long overdue in my opinion. With the original Jake from State Farm commercial airing in 2011, I honestly believe State Farm wouldn’t be anywhere close to where it is today without the stardom provided by a monotone insurance agent who could also pass as a Target employee. I hope this blog brings some more awareness and appreciation for my man Jake Stone, because he really is one of the greatest actors of all time. And, if you ever get caught talking to the side piece on the phone at 3:00 am, Jake’s got you covered.