Total Frat Move

Why the Bills will Win the Super Bowl

Alright, like many of you out there I don’t think that football season can come soon enough, and thus I have decided to predict exactly who will win the Super Bowl this year, and I’ll tell you upfront there is no way it’s a repeat champion. I believe that the Buffalo Bills are finally going to get over the hump this year.

The biggest problem that the Bills have run into in the past couple of years has been the Kansas City Chiefs. And by ‘biggest problem’ I mean the team that has beaten them in the playoffs the past two years running. But I have a not-so-crazy solution to that problem. The Chiefs not making the playoffs. I mean their division has only gotten harder, possibly being the most competitive division in all of football history. This means that the biggest roadblock to the Bills in the playoffs may not even be there.

Secondly, the Bills added Von Miller among others to their roster who apparently is a championship magnet considering that he went to the Rams for not even a full season and delivered them a ring. And considering that the Bills were arguably one piece or one defensive play away from winning a Super Bowl, that’s a pretty significant addition to the team.

Plus, let’s be real, the winner of the Super Bowl is going to come out of the AFC, it’s the harder conference by a landslide. And honestly, I think this is the year where all the tables are broken. Good luck to the streets of Buffalo.