
Students Find Teacher’s Striptease Video on Instagram

We’ve all had teacher’s we want to hook up with, and there are some heroes out there who actually do. For example:

But what we never expect to happen is to be able to find a sexy video of that teacher on the internet that makes all of our late-night fantasizing way easier. That’s exactly what happened to Viktoria Kashirina, a sixth-grade teacher from Russia. She posted a video on her Instagram (I searched forever on the internet and couldn’t find it. If anyone has it, please DM it to me @tim_moxey on Instagram) that included her stripping down to lingerie and humping both her bed and the floor. It also appears that Kashirina has a side gig as a pole dancer. Electric. 

Kashirina received some support from parents who felt that her video was “freedom of expression,” but there were far more that didn’t feel it was appropriate for her to be able to be posting those types of videos when she has sixth grade boys as her darling pupils – sixth grade boys who were absolutely spanking it to that video. She was reportedly fired, but she has still been teaching since then with no reported updates on her status.

According to Kashirina, her professional relationship with her students didn’t suffer. But c’mon, how would a sixth grader ever feel like seeing his teacher barely clothed online would be a bad thing? 

Alright, I’ve just about reached my word count, which means I can now bless you all with the photographs of this lovely young educator. Enjoy.