Stories of the Week

Strip Club Interns!?

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At TFM, we love sharing the fucking ridiculousness and debauchery that our followers experience during their nights out. Unfortunately, not every crazy story can be communicated through a 20 second Instagram video. These are the stories that happen when you are too incapacitated, that is too crazy at the moment to whip your phone out, or legally require anonymity. We have been changing the format of these Craziest Stories blogs as more people are submitting them so thank you. Please enjoy…


Was hammered when the cops got me outside of a house party in Boulder. Took me to the drunk tank which I walked out of, walked across the street to the jail, proceeded to through a cinder block through a cop car windshield. Was jumping on the hood of said car when the cops arrived again. They didn’t have to take me far to put me in a cell.

He really did everything to fuck himself over…


On a beautiful Wednesday night, we decided to have a party at the frat castle. About 3 hours in I blacked out. Within the hour I went to my room upstairs and took a shower fully clothed. Came back to the social room dripping wet and no one could figure out why. Someone asked if I took a shower and I said “well fuck yeah” then they said with all your clothes on? I proceeded to say “what? should I have taken them off?” And I really thought that it was totally normal.

I always thought showers were supposed to sober you up not make you a fucking idiot.


Blacked out at the bar on a Thursday night and ended up walking home alone. Woke up the next morning around 7 am in a cemetery a few blocks from home with the grounds crew mowing around me. Guy mowing threw me a thumbs up and a smile and kept on going.

“I literally died last night”-*Freshman nursing student after her first night out.


Crazy strip club story. I went to college in DC and was one of the lucky few to have a crazy internship. I got the chance to work with a lot of the interns on Capitol Hill (hillterns). One night we went to amateur night at the strip club and ended up getting both of the blonde bombshell female interns for the then-Senate majority leader Harry Reid to go on stage and get butt ass naked. It was a great time.

That was probably the only night those interns got paid.

Submit your own Crazy Story here: