Total Frat Move

Britney Spears Celebrates Divorce with Shirtless Men

Britney Spears is going through another dispute with the people in her life. After gaining her freedom by escaping her father’s conservatorship, she has been living her best life on Instagram. The only problem for Spears, is that her family is entirely done with this behavior of hers. 

Since regaining control over her account, her Instagram has been full of pictures and videos of her doing suggestive poses. Most people don’t have as much skin exposed in the shower as she does on an Instagram post. As a result of her behavior, her kids have moved in with their father. Now, her husband is divorcing her. 

Today, the crazy post on her account is a video she posted hanging out with several shirtless men. In the video, five shirtless dudes are seen hanging out, and feeding Spears attention in bulk. One guy is seen licking her leg from bottom to top. The whole group is then seen holding Spears and laughing. It looked like a shot of middle schoolers with a seven-figure bank account and a mansion. It was another look at the same weird behavior and seductive outfits that have kept my attention on her social media account for weeks now. 

Spears talked a few days ago about her struggles with her personal life. It might seem like I’m kicking her while she’s down by constantly critiquing her and her actions. I personally think Spears should be able to do and say whatever she wants (within reason) on social media. My issue is the way she talks about her account. She said, “My Instagram may seem perfect but it’s far from reality and I think we all know that.”

The fact that Spears thinks her Instagram is an image of perfection is the biggest red flag of all to me. She’s finally experiencing the freedom that college kids everywhere discover when they are no longer under the control of their parents. She has a little too much money to spend while doing it, but that’s all that’s happening.