Total Frat Move

Casey Affleck’s Girlfriend is a Dime

Ben and Casey Affleck’s father must look on them with such pride when they bring their families to holidays. Pride is the only word I could imagine for a man whose sons are dating Jennifer Lopez and Caylee Cowan. 

Caylee Cowan was recently photographed on a beach in Malibu, looking absolutely incredible. She sported a tiny black bikini with a pair of oversized sunglasses. It appears she is ready to compete with Jennifer Lopez for who wore it best at future Affleck family functions. 

Casey Affleck doesn’t seem to attract the spot light as much as his brother does. No matter what Zack Snyder fans try to say, he is a better actor than his older brother. Either way, his public life isn’t as exciting as his brothers according to the journalists over at TMZ. His wife might not be the international sensation that J Lo is, but Caylee Cowan is more than deserving of her own attention.

Cowan has been in several movies of her own, but I was unaware of her work until today. She is not Casey Affleck’s girlfriend, but my new favorite actress. I hope that Ben casts her in the next movie he shoehorns his brother into. Can’t hurt to keep it in the family, right?