Total Frat Move

Ja’Marr Chase Files Restraining Order Against One-Night Stand

Move over, Morriah Mills. Looks like we have a new crazy lady trying to ruin a young athlete’s prosperous career. This time it’s Ja’Marr Chase.

As first reported by TMZ, Bengals star receiver Ja’Marr Chase has filed for a restraining order against a former one-night stand who he says has been harassing him and his mother. This isn’t a new issue, however. Chase first hooked up with this woman back in 2021 and she has since been waging an “unhinged and disturbing” harassment campaign against him over the past two years. 

It all started back in July of 2021 when Ja’Marr spent a night with Ambar Hunter. One can only assume that Chase is as much of a freak in the sheets as he is on the field because ever since that night Hunter has refused to leave him alone.

According to the restraining order that Chase filed against Hunter on Tuesday, following the two’s night together Hunter enacted a smear campaign against Chase in which she attempted to ruin his brand, reputation and corporate sponsorships through “calculated and ongoing harassment.” Chase claims Hunter has used her social media presence of 18,000 followers to spread lies about the All-Pro receiver.

Taking to her Instagram, Hunter shared multiple claims about Chase which he denounced as lies. Most notably, Hunter says Chase impregnated her left to care for the child alone. Additionally, Hunter told authorities that she had been a victim of domestic violence at the hands of Chase.

(Photo from TMZ)

Hunter’s alleged harrassment hasn’t just impacted Ja’Marr, but his mother Toeleah as well. In a story which she shared on Instagram, Hunter went after Toeleah calling her a “witch.”

(Photo from TMZ)

As far as whether any of these claims have merit to them, Chase and his mother say they tried to be cooperative at first, but that Hunter clearly has no intentions of honesty. When Hunter first brought up being pregnant, Chase requested a DNA test which she profusely negated. Now, two years later, Chase believes Hunter has been posting photos of another person’s child with claims that it’s his.

As for the domestic violence claims, Chase calls them lies and says no authorities have found her to be credible.

Aside from spreading harmful misinformation, Chase says Hunter has also released personal information of his. In one account, Chase recalls Hunter posting his cell phone number on her social media which led to an influx of harassing calls and texts.

At this point in time, Chase has just filed for a restraining order and awaits a judge’s approval.

As for Hunter, her Instagram account has been deactivated and things are not looking great. However, because Chase only filed for a restraining order versus actually pressing charges, Hunter does not face any severe punishment at this time.

That said, she most definitely should. I can’t say with 100% certainty that her claims are all false, but I can and do believe Chase. He has nothing to gain from this woman and everything to lose, so yeah I kinda buy his story. If everything he alleges in his filing are true, Hunter should be punished way harder than a mere restraining order.

This woman basically tried to ruin his life. Had she succeeded in spreading her claims, Chase probably would have been blacklisted from several NFL teams for domestic violence and definitely suspended by the league for some time. However, Hunter’s punishment for lying about such events just makes it so she can’t be in the same room with Chase again. That’s it. Doesn’t that seem unfair? Hunter’s punishment should be equally as harmful as her intended consequences towards Chase. At least, that’s how I see things.

Also, let’s not forget that she brought Chase’s mother into this whole debacle. Nevermind trying to ruin the life of a 52-year-old woman you’ve never met, but she made this poor innocent woman talk to her son about his one-night stand. Do you know how uncomfortable that is? She should be sent to prison just for evoking that conversation.

Anyway, at the very least let this be a cautionary tale for Chase and all athletes in general. This type of thing happens a lot and won’t come to an end anytime soon. It’s exactly why I myself gave up one-night stands. I suggest you all do the same.