
Kim Kardashian Goes Biking in a Bikini

Kim Kardashian is on vacation from her incredibly challenging lifestyle. She spent a long day going viral for looking incredible at Drake’s concert in Los Angeles. Now, she’s in Italy being photographed riding a bicycle and going for a swim in a gold bikini. It was very kind of her to bring a professional lighting and camera crew to her vacation so we could be gifted with these pictures

Maybe this photoshoot is just a part of her trip to Italy. But I wonder why someone with unlimited resources is spending her vacation in Italy doing this. She’s essentially taking the same Instagram pictures she takes in America.  This would be like if I were given a blank check to travel Europe and spent all my time in bed being intimate with myself. It’s a waste of a perfectly good vacation. 

As long as her kids aren’t in the picture, her content is typically pretty excellent. Especially since she left Kanye and his annoyingly Catholic policies, her Instagram has been a goldmine. Her going to Italy and immediately squeezing in a photoshoot is the mamba mentality that sets her apart from the average Instagram model. 

One thing I don’t like about this post is the lack of safety that Kim is presenting. As someone with such a large reach on social media, she needs to be a little more responsible. She appears to be swimming at night without a lifeguard. She is also biking near a pool, and wearing open toed shoes. My dad told me when I was young your toe could fall off if you don’t wear shoes riding a bike. She shouldn’t promote it.

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Written by TFM

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